eye-fi-explore-videoFor all of you guys who have a dslr your likely to have a SD memory card. Now with today’s age of everything being wireless, for some reason uploading your images to your computer still asks for a cable that you need to plug in etc, pretty annoying stuff. The new EYE-Fi explore video is an SD card that you put into your camera, they come in up to 4GB I believe, and this memory card also has a Wireless detector in it. So when you are taking photos the card will search for the nearest WiFi signal or wait till you come across one and then send you images to your computer. Sounds like a lot of hard work setting up right. Actually the people at Gizmodo have tried it out and from unboxing to having the first picture on your computer wirelessly a mere 4 minutes vanished. Now to the Video part, this new card also allows you to transfer videos wirelessly, same process will just take a little longer. The icing on the cake is this though, If you have an facebook, flickr or youtube account ( and a bunch of others that I don’t remember) you can set the card so that it does not only send the pictures to your computer but also uploads them directly to your various accounts. The only downside currently is the price, the 4GB cards comes at around 100$ but lets see if the price drops any time soon?                                                                    Check it out at [ Eye-Fi ]