Archive for January, 2010

Iron Man Decal for Mac

Remember the Lego dude for your mac, well while this isn’t as cute it is just as or more awesome, if only the apple logo could change color perhaps into, hmm let’s say blue? Well if you like the decal you can pick it up for 16$ at Etsy

Charging cable concept

Tired of untangling all those cables to charge your gadgets, well MIDORI might have the answer, they designed a faux-vine design which looks better when its tangled up, just like real vines only look good ones they start getting messy. They are on sale on their website for about $15 but there is no word yet on compatibility and where they can deliver to. Also as other blogs have pointed out it would be sort of inconvenient to travel with.

Happy new year, and a Merry (late) Christmas, sorry I have not been blogging for a while, was a pretty crazy party time with some old friends. I’m back though so don’t worry. Now this Military grade Laser Pointer will probably stay a dream for all of us civilian laser enthusiasts, but even so the facts are still amazing, It can blind someone from 2.5 miles away, that’s right! Even is the blinding from that distance is only temporarely, its still pretty amazing, supposedly the army uses these to warm enemies when they are coming too close, I could find tons of cool stuff to do with it though, even though its probably best if I don”t.