Archive for December, 2009

Glass that tells you what your drinking

OK no one really needs this, but how sweet is that. Be sure to Wow your guests at the next dinner party. Damjan Stankovic is the genius behind this, but sadly at the moment it is still only concept. Right now it can detect the difference between OJ, Milk and Coke, we’ll have to see what else it can detect to really be interesting, how about ingredients list of cocktails (now I’m just dreaming)

Iphone with 5MP coming out?

that’s the rumor, OmniVision Technologies which makes the censors for the iphone camera now, said that they got a deal with apple to make a 5MP camera censor, but as we all know Apple is full of surprises we’ll have to wait and see, would be sweet though.

Nice Memo idea

This Hong Kong based company came out with a notepad that makes it so much worse to take notes, because it reminds you that not only is your brain aging but your hair will fall out too. As far as I know this was created for an expo, so you can’t buy them, if anyone gets their hands on one let me know. funny idea, and very cleverly thought through

PlayStation adds digital comics to PSP

PlayStation seems to have struck a deal with Marvel, Disney, IDW Publishing, iVerse Media, and some others because they just unveiled their newest collaboration, which is that you can now download comics on your Psp in a digitalised format for as little as .99 cents US. There is no word on how many comics will be digitized and how much the collectors edition would be.

Animated Whiskey bottle label

There is a animated electro-luminescent graphic EQ included in the label of this bottle of whiskey by Ballentines. Even though it doesn’t actually respond to the music that is being played, it just mimics the movement of an actual EQ, it still is quite amazing to look at. I would definitely think about buying this bottle in a club just to see the EQ going up and down in the icebox. Although I think this is just a concept for now and even if they will actually produce it, it will be in very small numbers.

best luggage invention ever?

Tired of pulling your luggage behind you like the rest of us, well then this is the invention for you. It’s somewhat hip, definitely faster than pulling and more comfortable too. There is how ever one problem, that you will look like the biggest douche, unless you are a 5year old boy, riding on that through the airport, I would deliberately try to ram you to make you fall off, but anyways, if you want to be my next target at the airport, by all means, go ahead. There is also no information on how much this thing will cost, or how one will get one. So hopefully I wont have to ram anyone off it anytime soon. PS: If you are still convinced you want one, have a look at how small that bag actually is, I mean if your only going somewhere for 4 hours, chances are you wont need a scooter to get there.

Well there isn’t too much to say but I have 6 6 (update 18) invites to give away, so if you want one, all you have to do is comment in the comment box below with your email address or email me at and I will send you an invite, first come first serve, spread the word.

Yes the photos are quite nice, but really, I mean, what pocket would that fit in? Also if you have to carry it separately anyways, why not just take your full Dslr and take some photos which are actually good, and not just good because Hey look they were taken with my iphone. That said, the pictures are quite remarkable, and you have to give this guy credit for thinking of it, and building it, bit of PVC pipe and a bit of ductape that’s all. Overall though, I’m gonna stick to my iphone as a phone, and my Dslr as my camera.If you are interested however here is the guys website.

Yes they look pretty cute and some of the ideas are quite smart, such as B for Bowie, really, banana was probably copyrighted? But all in all, unless your getting a laptop for your 7year old daughter, why? I mean most of us buy a laptop somewhat based on looks as well, so why ruin your laptops look with stickers that will probably come off after typing a 3000 word document, and imagine your looking for a letter, all that time your going to spend thinking wait is that N for Ninja, Norris or what, who cares its N for whatever you Need it for! Its not out yet and I honestly dont think this will go very well, but then again the world surprises us sometimes.

Now I know what my life was missing

Snoop D-O-Double-G guiding your way in your escalate (or any ride for that matter). Voiceskins paid the master himself to record his voice for all tomtom devices, so now you can take that sharp left so fly, and the don even thanks you for the ride after, for 12.95 it’s a steal and lets face it, who doesn’t want snoop dogg to guide them.