Archive for April, 2010

Converse May release Japan

New Chuck Taylor highs and Lows by Converse in the colors of the Japanese flag, i reckon wearing one of each would look somewhat cool, perhaps to a suit, oh now we are thinking of an outfit aren’t we. Yea probably scratch that idea cause it won’t look that great, and also these are only available in Japan, and who knows when ill get there? Enjoy:

Souvenir photography

This all seems to be one guy who collects souvenirs from different places and tries to integrate them into real life photography. Some results turn out better than others but he no doubt is really creative and has a great eye for perspective. Anyone know his/her (although by the hand I’m going to say his) name?

Enough said above just check out his art, its pretty sweet don’t know if he holds exhibitions or anything just found this on the web

Made for the New York Chinatown soccer football club, this bag is what every football player dreams of. It’s pretty compact considering what it stores. holds your laptop, your shoes, ball, other gadgets and change, so those stylish new yorkers can play football and then just cycle to work (No emissions you see). Knowing that Incase has pretty good quality I reckon this bag will actually sell quite well, at $200 it’s not cheap by any means but sometimes you just have to dig deep to be hip.

I am your father

Since fathers day is coming up Hallmark is coming up with something really special this year, a Star Wars birthday card. I don’t know how this will be a good idea as the story of fatherhood isn’t the greatest in Star Wars but I guess I don’t have to understand everything right? The card itself looks really sweet but my guess is that it is only going to be available in the US and it probably costs a large fraction of the death star.

YES! I want that

Got to know about The Heist Store through a friend of mine (you know who you are) and went browsing on their website for a little bit, they got some seriously hot stuff but one thing particularly sprung into my face (YES literally) It is this super hot (Don’t care how it sounds it is) Iphone case made out of 100% Australian letter, Hand stitched and finished in 100% Australian (proud huh?) Bee wax. They have it in black and brown although I personally think the brown is hotter. Presents anyone? Gotta safe up a bit and then I’m willing to dash out 88$ for it. check out their site here if you are interested.

Simpsons showing support to South-park

WOW there are loads of words starting with S in that title, anyways, South-park which attempted to show an episode with the prophet Muhammad last week and got censored by comedy central and also got some threats from a few Islamic websites has been shown some support by the Simpsons which cleverly added it to the segment of the show right at the beginning where Bart is in detention and has to copy out some sentence on the board. Check out the picture for yourself, pretty clever I say.

Brilliant new Nikon camera ad

Nothing really new on the camera market, but this new Nikon supposedly detects up to 12 faces, so what you might say and I agree, no one really needs it. But nonetheless the ad is amazingly cool and sexy of course which is important to us men. Wish they would make a series out of this if you know what I mean.

Amazing Jello shot creations

How many of us have had some jello shots before, but i doubt they were anywhere near as creative as the jello shots on this blog, here is just an example its called a baby Guinness and includes:
Vanilla Vodka
Creme de Cacao
Irish Cream
check out the pictures, it just looks amazing, for more great creations head down to My Jello Americans (I get it)

CAT-5 cable Lady sculpture

The sculpture is supposed to be a self portrait by artist Kasey McMahon and it is called Connected, which is pretty smart since a cable’s job is to connect. The view from the front is a lot better than the side shot in my opinion I mean i am no art critic or anything but i think the hands are a little too big for the body and the feet are a tiny bit too small. Lastly the neck is so thin it looks like it’s about to snap, however considering that this is all done with just cables, it is still an amazing sculpture!