Category: Changes

New Feature

You can now rate every individual post right below the post, it is the 5 star system and pretty self explanatory, feel free and rate away. Enjoy.

Sorry about the long silence

Hey guys (and girls) sorry for the long silence of the Gblog, i moved cities to Melbourne in Australia so I haven’t had much time to blog to you guys, and I will also have to change my spectrum a little since I can’t blog about Saigon anymore. I will try to make it a little more personal, so I will keep the personal interests in there like I always have but then rather than speak about Saigon too much, I will try to turn it more into Melbourne. Hope you guys forgive the long wait and keep checking for updates.

Charging cable concept

Tired of untangling all those cables to charge your gadgets, well MIDORI might have the answer, they designed a faux-vine design which looks better when its tangled up, just like real vines only look good ones they start getting messy. They are on sale on their website for about $15 but there is no word yet on compatibility and where they can deliver to. Also as other blogs have pointed out it would be sort of inconvenient to travel with.

PlayStation adds digital comics to PSP

PlayStation seems to have struck a deal with Marvel, Disney, IDW Publishing, iVerse Media, and some others because they just unveiled their newest collaboration, which is that you can now download comics on your Psp in a digitalised format for as little as .99 cents US. There is no word on how many comics will be digitized and how much the collectors edition would be.

Mini DisplayPort to become industry standard

500x_200810201137Mini DisplayPort is that monitor connection you get on your Macbook or Macbook pro. It essentially means that your port (where you stick the display in) is much smaller but you also need to buy a connector so that regular displays (with the big connector) can fit, firstly that means buying an external connector that costs about $20 and secondly its another thing to carry around. Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) has decided to make mDP (mini DisplayPort) a branch of DisplayPort (the usual size) which means that other companies will probably start using them on their new models too, and all you Non-Apple users will have to buy a connector soon as well.