Category: Just for fun

No explanation needed πŸ™‚

Nice Memo idea

This Hong Kong based company came out with a notepad that makes it so much worse to take notes, because it reminds you that not only is your brain aging but your hair will fall out too. As far as I know this was created for an expo, so you can’t buy them, if anyone gets their hands on one let me know. funny idea, and very cleverly thought through

Well there isn’t too much to say but I have 6 6 (update 18) invites to give away, so if you want one, all you have to do is comment in the comment box below with your email address or email me at and I will send you an invite, first come first serve, spread the word.

Yes the photos are quite nice, but really, I mean, what pocket would that fit in? Also if you have to carry it separately anyways, why not just take your full Dslr and take some photos which are actually good, and not just good because Hey look they were taken with my iphone. That said, the pictures are quite remarkable, and you have to give this guy credit for thinking of it, and building it, bit of PVC pipe and a bit of ductape that’s all. Overall though, I’m gonna stick to my iphone as a phone, and my Dslr as my camera.If you are interested however here is the guys website.

Cutest Mac Decal Yet

There are Many Mac decals (stickers) but this one is one of the cutest that I personally have ever seen, sadly sold out right now. There is no price info because of that at the moment, but as all the other stickers average about 10$ i rekon it will cost the same, and as the product site notes :*Please note: this decal will definitely make you the coolest kid in the library.

russian modder builds living room in pc

3That’s right guys, this Russian guy wanted to make his computer feel more at home so he proceed in cramming a puppet sized living room into the case of his home PC. The outcome is wonderful because of the detail, look at the picture frame on the table or that the lamp actually lights up. no word yet if he is going to continue, perhaps building different floors, building a bathroom in his computer mouse (OK lame, but you never know)

Mini Golf in your living room

arcade_mini_golfIf you are willing to spend a whopping 6900$ on a mini golf machine then you are in luck today. This is the most realistic mini putting machine ever build. Basically you use your own golf balls and your own putter. Then you putt the ball and it reaches under the screen and there the trajectory and speed is measure and transferred to a digital ball on the 32inch screen which features all kinds of different holes. There are three speakers built in which deliver commentary and sound effects to polish off the real life effect.

All via Ohgizmo

Supposedly I am like quagmire?

Family Guy Quiz

Took this quiz which consisted of 10 or so questions, mostly about my preference in colour and taste and then they decided that I am like Quagmire, which I don’t have a problem with at all hehe (gigidy). Just wanted to share that with you really quickly.

I’m back with something pretty random but also amazing. For those of you who are hopeless at school or don;t know what you want to do with youselves you might find this interesting. This guy won ‘the best job in the world.’ It’s a job where he is the caretaker of the great barrier reef islands in Australia. He got the job by entering a cometition, and will be posted ina 4 million dollar beach house on the reef fo the next 6 months with a salary of AUD$150,000. I think it’s pretty amazing, so screw school, look forΒ  some upcoming competitions to get you started on the job front. πŸ˜‰ best-job

Konami code your Unicorns

Picture 2For those of you who don’t know the konami code its up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, enter (use your arrow keys) and if you go on and perform this code, it gives you a full list of sites that you can do this on, (yes Facebook is one of them) and then you can repeat the code on the site and every-time you hit enter a new Unicorn shows up, how awesome is that πŸ™‚ check out the screen shot for how much fun I had.

(Update Facebook doesn’t give you unicorns but it gives you weird twirls, verdict: still fun)