Category: New Gadget

new Incase laptop sleeve

best luggage invention ever?

Tired of pulling your luggage behind you like the rest of us, well then this is the invention for you. It’s somewhat hip, definitely faster than pulling and more comfortable too. There is how ever one problem, that you will look like the biggest douche, unless you are a 5year old boy, riding on that through the airport, I would deliberately try to ram you to make you fall off, but anyways, if you want to be my next target at the airport, by all means, go ahead. There is also no information on how much this thing will cost, or how one will get one. So hopefully I wont have to ram anyone off it anytime soon. PS: If you are still convinced you want one, have a look at how small that bag actually is, I mean if your only going somewhere for 4 hours, chances are you wont need a scooter to get there.

Now I know what my life was missing

Snoop D-O-Double-G guiding your way in your escalate (or any ride for that matter). Voiceskins paid the master himself to record his voice for all tomtom devices, so now you can take that sharp left so fly, and the don even thanks you for the ride after, for 12.95 it’s a steal and lets face it, who doesn’t want snoop dogg to guide them.

Curved Monitor now available to public

The awesome 43 inch curved monitor is finally available to public, for the hefty price tag of 6900$, the response time is 0.02 ms so super super fast the resolution is 2880 x 900 which again is just amazing. But come on 6900 for a monitor? Ok its Curved so what, I mean most people don’t spent that much on a full computer set, let alone just the monitor. It does look sweet though.

Get down and funky with your old cassettes

Cassettes are admit-ably a bit out of fashion, I mean since the ipod came, the walkman just isn’t the cool thing to have anymore. But there are still a lot of good old songs that you had on your cassettes and you wouldn’t just want to throw them away would you? There is a solution for you, it’s the ION Audio Tape Express. Essentially this little device which will run you around $80 is connected to your computer via USB and and you then “play” the cassette using the device and the software converts your old songs into new mp3 format. I reckon it would be a bit time consuming but does seem like a weekend project and would give the Ipod a touch of nostalgia with it as well.tape_express

See roots as lightning bolts

flowerpot-eye-1_HMxSu_1822This crazy new concept is a flowerpot, which can display the humidity of the soil, check light levels and the temperature of your surroundings (not that interesting yet is it) all while displaying the roots of your plant as what appears to be lightning bolts. The concept looks awesome and it would definitely make someone like me grow more plants at home, I mean who needs a TV when you got the lightning chasers in your room. Plus for someone who like me, doesn’t have a green thumb you can automatically see if your 10 year old seeds from the basement are actually growing rather than hoping for 3 months and then to be disappointed. Its called FlowerEYE for all of you that are interested and is a concept by Olga Kalugina


you can get more information here

Mini Golf in your living room

arcade_mini_golfIf you are willing to spend a whopping 6900$ on a mini golf machine then you are in luck today. This is the most realistic mini putting machine ever build. Basically you use your own golf balls and your own putter. Then you putt the ball and it reaches under the screen and there the trajectory and speed is measure and transferred to a digital ball on the 32inch screen which features all kinds of different holes. There are three speakers built in which deliver commentary and sound effects to polish off the real life effect.

All via Ohgizmo

For all us phone fools out there.

Ever run out of batteries during a night out? spiltĀ  drink on your phone or dropped it in a place where liquid is prominent? then Sharp have the perfect solution. Honestly, I can’t imagine whsharpy nobody has done this yet? The phone is said to be launching in June. 10 minutes of sunlight gives 2 hours of standby power to your phone. So charge it during the day, wherever you are, then drop in in the pool at that party, and the next morning you’ll still have a charged, functional phone. Brilliant!

Nokia 3G Booklet


Nokia came out with the specifications of their booklet just now, we don’t know when its going to be available yet, but it will probably be some time in the near future meaning next month maybe. the price is 575 euros which isn’t bad for a net-book sort of computer these’s got Bluetooth, 3 USB slots, an SD card reader and a 1.3-megapixel camera and also has a 16cell lion battery which should last quite a while. these are the specs: Windows 7, 1.6GHz Atom Z530 processor, 120GB hard disk, 1GB RAM, 802.11n Wi-Fi, and HDMI. it features a 10.1 inch screen ans also ist only 0.78 inches thick which makes it very compact and easy to move around.
All via Gizmodo


Basically its like a holster for your guns, except that your guns are now cameras, it holds two cameras, gives maximum accessibility and just looks awesome. Rock up with this bad boy to any event and you just look like a pro. anyways the price for this is a bit high, $130 so yea, I’m not gonna buy that, but I would love to try it

[ BlackRapid ] VIA [ Coolest-Gadgets ]