Category: news

Simpsons showing support to South-park

WOW there are loads of words starting with S in that title, anyways, South-park which attempted to show an episode with the prophet Muhammad last week and got censored by comedy central and also got some threats from a few Islamic websites has been shown some support by the Simpsons which cleverly added it to the segment of the show right at the beginning where Bart is in detention and has to copy out some sentence on the board. Check out the picture for yourself, pretty clever I say.

Two-Headed Bobtail Lizard found in Aus!

This two-headed bobtail was found in Australia it was found in New South wales, it is now housed in a reptile park in Perth (why Perth I don’t know, not exactly the closest city from NSW but oh well.) check out the x-rays of it below.

Everything that needs to be said is really in this letter, this is supposedly on the Lufthansa twitter page US, whether it really is or not it is pretty funny and the guy definitely needs a holiday.

Sorry about the long silence

Hey guys (and girls) sorry for the long silence of the Gblog, i moved cities to Melbourne in Australia so I haven’t had much time to blog to you guys, and I will also have to change my spectrum a little since I can’t blog about Saigon anymore. I will try to make it a little more personal, so I will keep the personal interests in there like I always have but then rather than speak about Saigon too much, I will try to turn it more into Melbourne. Hope you guys forgive the long wait and keep checking for updates.

Happy new year, and a Merry (late) Christmas, sorry I have not been blogging for a while, was a pretty crazy party time with some old friends. I’m back though so don’t worry. Now this Military grade Laser Pointer will probably stay a dream for all of us civilian laser enthusiasts, but even so the facts are still amazing, It can blind someone from 2.5 miles away, that’s right! Even is the blinding from that distance is only temporarely, its still pretty amazing, supposedly the army uses these to warm enemies when they are coming too close, I could find tons of cool stuff to do with it though, even though its probably best if I don”t.

PlayStation adds digital comics to PSP

PlayStation seems to have struck a deal with Marvel, Disney, IDW Publishing, iVerse Media, and some others because they just unveiled their newest collaboration, which is that you can now download comics on your Psp in a digitalised format for as little as .99 cents US. There is no word on how many comics will be digitized and how much the collectors edition would be.

Well there isn’t too much to say but I have 6 6 (update 18) invites to give away, so if you want one, all you have to do is comment in the comment box below with your email address or email me at and I will send you an invite, first come first serve, spread the word.

Roomba Destroys Viper

A while back we told you about the roomba which is an automatic vacuum cleaner that sucks up your dust around the house. Well according to this article in Israels Yediot Acharonot Newspaper, this Roomba “captured” a deadly viper while a little girl was in the room. As the picture shows, the snake not only of captured but pawned, image being sucked in by a robot.

Proof that Hard Rock Cafe is coming to town

A while back we posted that Hard Rock is coming to town. We’ll we weren’t lying, here is the proof of the photo. Due to open pretty soon, and I’m sure I’ll see most of you there at the opening.

Cutest Mac Decal Yet

There are Many Mac decals (stickers) but this one is one of the cutest that I personally have ever seen, sadly sold out right now. There is no price info because of that at the moment, but as all the other stickers average about 10$ i rekon it will cost the same, and as the product site notes :*Please note: this decal will definitely make you the coolest kid in the library.