Category: Time wasters

There is no real sense to this picture, but I think it awesome so I thought I would share it with you guys, No Idea who the artist is but id love to see more of him. Oh by the way I am at Anhs blogging

PlayStation adds digital comics to PSP

PlayStation seems to have struck a deal with Marvel, Disney, IDW Publishing, iVerse Media, and some others because they just unveiled their newest collaboration, which is that you can now download comics on your Psp in a digitalised format for as little as .99 cents US. There is no word on how many comics will be digitized and how much the collectors edition would be.

best luggage invention ever?

Tired of pulling your luggage behind you like the rest of us, well then this is the invention for you. It’s somewhat hip, definitely faster than pulling and more comfortable too. There is how ever one problem, that you will look like the biggest douche, unless you are a 5year old boy, riding on that through the airport, I would deliberately try to ram you to make you fall off, but anyways, if you want to be my next target at the airport, by all means, go ahead. There is also no information on how much this thing will cost, or how one will get one. So hopefully I wont have to ram anyone off it anytime soon. PS: If you are still convinced you want one, have a look at how small that bag actually is, I mean if your only going somewhere for 4 hours, chances are you wont need a scooter to get there.

Keyboard stickers cute, but why?

Yes they look pretty cute and some of the ideas are quite smart, such as B for Bowie, really, banana was probably copyrighted? But all in all, unless your getting a laptop for your 7year old daughter, why? I mean most of us buy a laptop somewhat based on looks as well, so why ruin your laptops look with stickers that will probably come off after typing a 3000 word document, and imagine your looking for a letter, all that time your going to spend thinking wait is that N for Ninja, Norris or what, who cares its N for whatever you Need it for! Its not out yet and I honestly dont think this will go very well, but then again the world surprises us sometimes.

russian modder builds living room in pc

3That’s right guys, this Russian guy wanted to make his computer feel more at home so he proceed in cramming a puppet sized living room into the case of his home PC. The outcome is wonderful because of the detail, look at the picture frame on the table or that the lamp actually lights up. no word yet if he is going to continue, perhaps building different floors, building a bathroom in his computer mouse (OK lame, but you never know)

Mini Golf in your living room

arcade_mini_golfIf you are willing to spend a whopping 6900$ on a mini golf machine then you are in luck today. This is the most realistic mini putting machine ever build. Basically you use your own golf balls and your own putter. Then you putt the ball and it reaches under the screen and there the trajectory and speed is measure and transferred to a digital ball on the 32inch screen which features all kinds of different holes. There are three speakers built in which deliver commentary and sound effects to polish off the real life effect.

All via Ohgizmo

Monopoly City streets


Google and Hasbro got together and made the coolest version of Monopoly yet. basically you can play Monopoly on Google maps, so the players will have billions of different streets to play on. Besides that there will also be new structures such as football stadiums, skyscrapers, etc to give the game a new touch. That’s about all the information i have, but on Septembre 9th (tomorrow) the game is supposed to launch so I’ll keep you updated.

Supposedly I am like quagmire?

Family Guy Quiz

Took this quiz which consisted of 10 or so questions, mostly about my preference in colour and taste and then they decided that I am like Quagmire, which I don’t have a problem with at all hehe (gigidy). Just wanted to share that with you really quickly.

Konami code your Unicorns

Picture 2For those of you who don’t know the konami code its up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, enter (use your arrow keys) and if you go on and perform this code, it gives you a full list of sites that you can do this on, (yes Facebook is one of them) and then you can repeat the code on the site and every-time you hit enter a new Unicorn shows up, how awesome is that 🙂 check out the screen shot for how much fun I had.

(Update Facebook doesn’t give you unicorns but it gives you weird twirls, verdict: still fun)

3-2-1 FIGHT!! Google style!

Google Fight!

Ever wondered who would win if linsay lohan and Paris Hilton dueled? check out Google fight for a fantasticly amusing time killer! Enter your two opponents and they sqaure off in terms of how many google links each search term (opponent) returns. Turns out tupac has 10x more links than Biggie, and that was 5 minutes of my life well wasted! check it out, you’re bound to get some good match ups!