Category: Uncategorized

Resultate der Klassen treffen’s umfrage

Greatest Nature photographs

not much needs to be said about these, there are about 40 but I only uploaded a few that I thought were great. Check them out and let me know what you think.

Personal favorites are the first and the last, the timing just seems perfect.

Bomb Proof Wallpaper

The idea is that you attach this wall paper which is made out of some kevlar-like material which is stronger than the wall itself. They tested it with a wrecking ball and some explosives and it withstood the test which is really impressive. Supposedly the US Army is thinking about getting it for their Bases which would make sense. Not sure How much sense it would make for civilians like us. If your really interested its called X-flex Blast Protection System, sounds pretty epic for a stick on wallpaper doesn’t it. you can check out their page here.

It’s Coming

What was inevitablsony-motion-controller-springe on the wii launched it’s motion tech gaming will be upon us in the spring. Indeed, PlayStation has announce a new motion controlled gaming system, with a microphone, camera, and motion controller to be rolled out in spring to compete with the ever popular nintendo wii. A name hasn’t been decided on for the nex system, but I’m sure PlayStation will release it with a few tricks and features of it’s own so keep an eye open PS3 users.

Segwaying the right way

If anyone has problems with the design and look of a segway (those two wheeled platforms people stand on and ride) like I do, then you’ll be pleased to know there are more options out there. My favorite, the Honda U3-X. Asimo, that awesome little robot made also by Honda, has lent some of it’s secrets to the design and technology of this new machine, so it’s bound to be amazing. A concept at the moment, so I won’t write too much, but sitting on a one wheeled device that moves in every direction is too cool to not mention. check out the video!

well basically, this is pretty much the best mouse i have ever heard of, its wireless and the receiver is tiny, as you can see. it can be used, unlike a lot of other wireless mice, while charging. Also it has a special sensor that allows it to work on basically any surface, so no need for mouse pads, which will make you desk look cleaner and save space. I has buttons on the side which allow you to scroll faster and jump. Other than that, the design is pretty sweet and it will probably suit any laptop pretty nicely.
The price is a bit high at 99.99$ (at least its not 100$) ๐Ÿ™‚

here are some more pictures:


SOrry for the absense

Hye, sorry that I haven’t continued the blog for a while, didn’t find the time and yeah, but after checking today that i still have an average of 5 views per day, i felt bad for all the 5 people that come and check the blog and don’t get new information, so starting today the gadget side will be on again. Enjoy

New software for my iphone

Hey guys, haven’t been blogging for a while but now I got the 3.0 version on my iPhone I got app store and with that I got wordpress so that I can now use my phone to blog, it might not be as quick as my mac but atleast I can blog from anywhere now. The 3.0 version is really cool as nearly everything works in landscape now, including this :). Other than that it seems quick, I got voice memo’s, app store I can shake my iPhone to change songs on it’s iPod. I got a bunch of apps already but I’ll elaborate on those in a different post. Well that’s it for now hope you guys are still reading. Peace

I’m back with something pretty random but also amazing. For those of you who are hopeless at school or don;t know what you want to do with youselves you might find this interesting. This guy won ‘the best job in the world.’ It’s a job where he is the caretaker of the great barrier reef islands in Australia. He got the job by entering a cometition, and will be posted ina 4 million dollar beach house on the reef fo the next 6 months with a salary of AUD$150,000. I think it’s pretty amazing, so screw school, look forย  some upcoming competitions to get you started on the job front. ๐Ÿ˜‰ best-job