Tag Archive: funny

Someecards makes Ecards fun again

You seem pretty scared of catching swine flu for someone who's not remotely scared of catching STDs

http://www.someecards.com/ have some really fun ecards that you can send to your friends or people who work with you. There are cards for every occasion and their dirty humor is really really funny unlike most ecards that you get these days, and when I say every occasion I really mean that check this one out about swine flu, but there are even better ones on their webpage, check it out.

Facebook business cards

this french guy called Jean-Baptiste made these facebook business cards, they look like a part of your profile and have your (in this case his) email address and his phone number and you can “confirm” him as a business partner. No idea if they are actually for sale or not, but i guess seeing that we are in Vietnam you could easily get them made for a couple 100.000 vnd some where

the actual cards

the actual cards