Tag Archive: Mac

Iron Man Decal for Mac

Remember the Lego dude for your mac, well while this isn’t as cute it is just as or more awesome, if only the apple logo could change color perhaps into, hmm let’s say blue? Well if you like the decal you can pick it up for 16$ at Etsy

Mini DisplayPort to become industry standard

500x_200810201137Mini DisplayPort is that monitor connection you get on your Macbook or Macbook pro. It essentially means that your port (where you stick the display in) is much smaller but you also need to buy a connector so that regular displays (with the big connector) can fit, firstly that means buying an external connector that costs about $20 and secondly its another thing to carry around. Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) has decided to make mDP (mini DisplayPort) a branch of DisplayPort (the usual size) which means that other companies will probably start using them on their new models too, and all you Non-Apple users will have to buy a connector soon as well.

Cutest Mac Decal Yet

There are Many Mac decals (stickers) but this one is one of the cutest that I personally have ever seen, sadly sold out right now. There is no price info because of that at the moment, but as all the other stickers average about 10$ i rekon it will cost the same, and as the product site notes :*Please note: this decal will definitely make you the coolest kid in the library.