Tag Archive: marathon

New runs

Went on my first 10 k today, although it was in a gym, cause it was way to hot outside. it took me 45:22. still training toward a half marathon, so every kilometer counts. went cycling yesterday for 17.1 k’s.
so starting from last Sunday here is the weeks summary:
Sunday 5k’s run
Monday 5k’s run
Tuesday 11.4k’s bike ride
Wednesday 17.4k’s + 2.8k’s bike ride
Thursday (today) 10k’s run

So yea going to try to keep that up and get closer and closer to my 21.1 km goal by December should be do-able.

New Goal: to run a half-marathon in december

quick update about myself, i’ve decided to run a half marathon htis december and i have started practicing, only made the decicion a few days back and so far i’ve run 5k twice, once at 23:52 and once at 22:45 also went cycling for 11.4 k’s at a slow pace which took me about 30mins. will keep you updated on further training, if u wanna join me please do, gets lonely out there ;).

poster from the 2007 run

poster from the 2007 run

ohh and if you are interested in joining the run at Angkor Wat this site has plenty of info:
