Tag Archive: moon

Evidence to support the Moon and Earth theory

taken from:
Earth-Asteroid Collision Formed Moon Later Than Thought
Richard A. Lovett
for National Geographic News

December 19, 2007

Scientists have long believed that the moon was formed by a collision between our planet and a Mars-size object.

Computer models have shown that in this scenario 80 percent of the moon’s material should have come from the asteroid, with only 20 percent from Earth.

But the new study of moon rocks collected three decades ago by Apollo astronauts, however, found that Earth and the rocks were too similar for that to be the case.

Earthly Material

The most likely explanation is that the moon was formed primarily of Earthly material, the authors say.

Lead author Mathieu Touboul of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich said there is another theory that may explain its formation.

“Alternatively, the material from which the moon eventually formed was a magma disk, connected to the Earth by a common atmosphere,” he said in a statement.

own words:

supports the idea that earth and moon were once connected, they share similar material. so the previous theory of and commet and the earth clashing wont work that well, cause then only a little of the material of the earth could have been transfered.

New theory:

Since all the continents were once connected and that seems to be scientifically proven and everybody accepts that. the new theory is that the universe was once connected just like the continent used to be, supporting this theory is the fact that the deepest crater on the moon is 8839 meters deep and the highest mountain on earth, the everest is 8848 meters tall, so only 9 meters difference, which seems to be very little to be a coincidence. the reason for the 9 meters difference can be that everest, due to plate movements keeps growing and this probably happened way before. since it has not scientifically been proven how the universe was created, this could be a new theory.

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