Tag Archive: roomba

Roomba Destroys Viper

A while back we told you about the roomba which is an automatic vacuum cleaner that sucks up your dust around the house. Well according to this article in Israels Yediot Acharonot Newspaper, this Roomba “captured” a deadly viper while a little girl was in the room. As the picture shows, the snake not only of captured but pawned, image being sucked in by a robot.

Another automatic gadget

roomba-movementsWell since all of us here at the Gblog are amazed by automatic gadgets such as the the shadow caddy or sicotts automatic lawnmower, I have found something else. While this isn’t really a new gadget its the track that a Roomba (an automatic vacuum cleaner) takes to clean your room. The shot was done by turning off the lights for 30mins and taking a long exposure shot of the movement, firstly it is a brilliant idea, secondly it is hella surprising, because there seems to be no order really, yet every inch seems to be covered. Lastly what the hell is that twirl in the middle, Roomba decide to dance?